Children usually progress in a natural, predictable sequence from one developmental milestone to the next. However, each child grows and gains skills at his or her own pace. Some children may be advanced in one area, such as language, but behind in another, such as sensory and motor development.
Most children by age 6:
Have grown about 2.5in. (6cm) since their last birthday. Have gained about 7lb (3kg) since their last birthday. Are developing their first molars. Are starting to lose baby teeth.
Can tell you their age. Can count to and understand the concept of "10." For example, they can count 10 pieces of candy. Are learning to express themselves well through words.
Begin to understand cause-and-effect relationships; "magical thinking" typical of preschoolers quickly fades around this age. Are learning to write. Start to grasp the concept of time. Continue to have fears typical of the preschool years, such as fear of monsters,...
Growth and Development of age 7

Children usually progress in a natural, predictable sequence from one developmental milestone to the next. However, each child grows and gains skills at his or her own pace. Some children may be advanced in one area, such as language, but behind in another, such as sensory and motor development.
Most children by age 7:
Grow about 2.5in. (6cm) and gains about 7lb (3kg) in a year. Lose about four baby teeth each year. These are replaced by permanent teeth.
Have a solid sense of time: They understand seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, seasons, and sometimes years.
Begin to show a preference for learning style. For example, some children like hands-on activities, such as a science experiment with color. Others like to work independently and quietly, such as practicing printing.
Can solve simple math problems using objects (such as counting beads). Consider issues and problems using only one factor at a time.Become more aware of...
Growth and Development of age 8

Most children by age 8:
Grow about 2.5in. (6cm) and gain about 7lb (3kg) in a year. May have arms and legs that seem too long for their bodies.
Lose about four baby teeth each year, which are replaced by permanent teeth. Have 20/20 vision. Know how to count by 2s (2, 4, 6, 8, and so on) and 5s (5, 10, 15, 20, and so on).
Know what day of the week it is. However, they do not usually know the full date and year. Can read simple sentences of 2 to 7 words. Complete simple single-digit addition and subtraction problems (such as 1 + 8; 7 + 5; 6 – 2; 4 – 3).
Can tell the difference between right and left. Have a black-and-white perspective much of the time. Things are either great or awful; ugly or beautiful; right or wrong. They focus on one trait or idea at a time,...