ADHD Doctors In Orange County
It is very important when searching for good ADHD doctors in Orange County to find just the right person who not only understands this sometimes-confusing behavioral condition, but also knows how to directly deal with the very sensitive nature of its effect on the patient and his or her family.
What is ADHD?
Attention deficit disorder, or ADHD, can be a frustrating thing for parents to face. The disorder causes problems with attention span, impulsive behavior, and hyperactivity. If your child has ADHD and is in school, you may have noticed that the disorder causes him or her to have trouble concentrating, which can result in poor grades. The disorder can also cause your child to become frustrated when trying to complete tasks
Scientists aren’t sure what causes ADHD, but the National Institute of Mental Health estimates that 3 to 5 percent of children have it. It might be caused by a combination of sources like genetics, environmental factors, and more. In many cases, the behavior associated with ADHD continues into adulthood, but in other cases, a child can grow out of it.
Among the best of ADHD doctors in Orange County, Dr. Farrokh Shadab works to assess children with ADHD and offer solutions for parents.
Common Signs of ADHD
It can be difficult to diagnose attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This is because many of the disorders signs and symptoms are present in children who do not have it, especially in younger children. The key to diagnosing ADHD is recognizing signs once they should no longer be common, like in later childhood.
Some symptoms of ADHD include the inability to focus, hyperactivity, and being rather impulsive. These symptoms may not be completely noticeable to parents until the child reaches school age. At that point, you might notice that your child has trouble paying attention to details in class or focusing on certain tasks or subjects. If your child is easily distracted from daily tasks and cannot sit still for very long, he or she might have ADHD. An additional symptom is if he or she is exceedingly impatient or interrupts others during conversations often.
While these signs are all symptoms of ADHD, they can also be explained by other things. That’s why it’s important to have your child see a doctor. Dr. Shadab, one of the top ADHD doctors in Orange County, will be able to help you determine whether or not your child has ADHD.