ADHD Assessment For Children In Orange County
Parents who seek ADHD assessment for children in Orange County can rest assured that when working with seasoned pediatrics physician, Dr. Shadab, their children will be given a thorough diagnosis, as well as both immediate and long-term treatment plans. Dr. Shadab asks about important health history, social interactions, communication types, and routine behavior, as well as provides clinical tests to begin the assessment process.
What is ADHD?
Officially known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD is characterized by hyper behavior, trouble concentrating, and impulsive behavior. Children who suffer from ADHD and are in school might have trouble concentrating, which can result in poor grades. Signs of ADHD begin in early to mid-childhood and can continue all the way through adulthood in some cases.
A seasoned pediatrician, Dr. Farrokh Shadab is able to perform an ADHD assessment for children in Orange County. The assessment can be a long process, but it is best to be thorough. For this reason, assessments often include multiple steps and plenty of questions for you to answer about your child’s behaviors. Once an assessment has been completed, it allows the doctor to better understand how to help your child and your family navigate through the sometimes complicated and frustrating aspects of ADHD.
Common Signs of ADHD
The most common signs of ADHD include inability to concentrate, impulsivity, and hyperactivity – along with a variety of other symptoms. These signs can be common among children of all areas, but it is these signs in combination with other behavioral issues that are often a warning that a child has ADHD. Forgetfulness, rebelliousness, disorganization in relation to age and motor skills, excessive talkativeness, and inability to sit still are also all potential signs that a child may be dealing with ADHD. However, since many of these symptoms can be explained by other things, it is important to have doctor who works closely with the child and child’s parents before determining that disorder is present. For an ADHD assessment for children in Orange County, visit Dr. Shadab. He will work with your family to pinpoint the cause of your child’s potential behavioral issues, and will then work with you to determine the best course of therapy, treatment, or behavioral modification that will work best for your child.